

My chosen charitable cause is the National Trust’s Woodlands Appeal.

Our national woodlands are being eroded through global warming and human development. Without our woodlands, many of our native species of flora and fauna will disappear. We need our trees to help combat the effects of global environmental damage. They can restore the balance of gases in our atmosphere, provide habitations for wildlife and help maintain the ecosystems in which we live and on which we depend.

The National Trust have, therefore, pledged to plant 20 million trees over the next 50 years in the UK.

As a Notary, I have to use a lot of paper to prepare your documents and record my acts in written certificates. Our legal systems around the world are far from paperless although, in the future, I hope we may become more digital. Until then, I want to help restore some of the resources we are using.

I am committed to helping the National Trust’s Woodlands Appeal by sponsoring the planting of a sapling for every 10 notarial acts I complete.

“A single tree will remove pollutants from the atmosphere and provide a home for millions of birds, insects and mammals. So just imagine what 20 million new trees could do for the environment, native wildlife and our wellbeing.” – John Deakin, Head of Trees and Woodland, National Trust.